Matjaž Klemenčič na stopničkah

Odprto prvenstvo Hessen (GER) Hessenmeisterschaft is over. Yesterday they cancelled the task already on take off as it was clear that sky was just about to drop some water on us, either up the valley or other side. Marcus from Germany won ahead of me and Suan Selenati...

Neverjeten Forcefieldov “test”

Oulton Park (GB)- prvenstvo Superstok 600 Forcefieldov dirkač Josh Wainwright je padel tik pred motorjem Johnnya Blackshawa, ki se Josha ni mogel izogniti in ga je povozil. Verjeli ali ne: Josh je v redu! Izjava Josha po padcu: Josh – “Once again Forcefield came to my...

Trgovina z artikli znamke Jure Robič

NOVOST V NAŠI PONUDBI ! V kolesarski trgovini  in servisu Mojster Miha v Lescah- Poljska pot 4, 4248 Lesce, si lahko ogledate in tudi kupite kolesarska oblačila in ostale artikle znamke Jure Robič,  s katerimi Fundacija Jure Robič ( pridobiva...